Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Homely Suicides

Peer opinion of us shouldn't really matter in the large perspective of things.

shouldn't. but it does.

The way we act, dress, and think is regulated by how we will be viewed and treated.

it is easily seen in children and teens- who MUST have the same style of clothes and hair as the other kids at school. if someone is too different, they are ostracized and ridiculed, abused or just plain ignored.

every once in awhile we hear of some kid who freaks out and pulls a gun on their classmates. teenagers have breakdowns. self-abuse and even suicide attempts occur every day. ask any high-school counsellor.

we'd like to think that we outgrow this stage, become more accepting and charitable to others.
do we?

do we stop caring about fitting in when we reach for our diploma?

How many of you cried because you weren't popular enough at school, or because someone said you were fat or ugly?

How many of you still cry because the world just doesn't smile on you? because you're tired of reaching for that unattainable goal of acceptance?

is your life only worth what other people think? would you snuff it out because it's too hard to face society?

we are each given a measured time in this world- the things we are meant to do and the people we are meant to effect we spend much of it figuring out.

at the end of the journey, will it really matter that some idiot in preschool said you had a big nose? that your girlfriend left you for a cuter guy? that you didn't get the job because you 'weren't the image we're looking for'?

is it worth it?

what do you think?

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